
If there were an easy cure for poverty and homelessness, we would be thrilled. If telling someone the error of their ways, explaining the difference between good and bad choices, handing them a list of…

In 1859, Clarina Nichols settled into a seat at the Wyandotte Constitutional Convention even though her gender meant she was barred from voting or publicly addressing the all-male convention. By that point she had long…

Over the past several years I’ve sat in on three series of meetings focused on providing USD 257 students better educations through improved facilities.  The first effort ended when the economy soured in 2007. The…

When The Iola Register reversed its policy of printing anonymous letters to the editor or recordings left on its answering machine, their level of rudeness and nature of attack changed dramatically.It’s funny how taking responsibility…

For all intents and purposes, the United States re-opened for business Monday afternoon when the U.S. Senate voted 81-18 for a short-term spending measure that extends to Feb. 8. To obtain the necessary bipartisan support,…

The impasse between Republicans and Democrats that has brought government operations to a standstill rests primarily on their different visions of the United States. Stroke by stroke, Congressional Republicans are painting a picture where the…

Dear editor, I have to disagree with Tracy Keagle’s article in Saturday’s Iola Register. (“Area homeless need our compassion.”) She calls them circumstances, I call them excuses. She says Iola has its “fair share” of…

We at Humanity House wonder if we could extend the same courtesy to human beings that we do to animals. When the temperatures are as dangerously cold as they have been, we make sure that…

Hanging on the wall of Humboldt’s senior center, someone scribbled on a small sign, with tongue in cheek, “senior citizens are leading carriers of AIDS” — hearing aids, Rolaids, walking aids, you get the drift.…

An elderly gentleman whose wife wished he remain anonymous came into the Register this week with some useful information about how disposable goods are a blight to the environment. “I know you think such things…