For the second time in two weeks, police officers have been the targets of violence. Sunday, three officers in Baton Rouge, La., were gunned down. At this writing, it’s not clear what the motive of…
Years ago, many people, including my grandparents, were self-sufficient, an outcome that is next to impossible for many today and for many makes food stamps a saving grace. My grandparents were raised in the hills…
Over the past two weeks the Register has participated vicariously in the one-month SNAP Challenge by interviewing locals who are either on food stamps or are seeing what it’s like to be on a food…
It stretches the imagination to think what, by virtue of being a parent, that specifically adds to one’s resumé. So it was a cheap shot when Andrea Leadsom targeted Theresa May for being the lesser…
In an effort to ride the wave of small government, some Kansas legislators are referring to public schools as “government schools”— as if that were an ominous thing. In our mind, education should be a…
On streets paved with gold inside the pearly gates Bob Lane jitter-bugs the evening away, freed from shackles that earth-bound infirmities placed on his nimble legs a few years ago. Applause, wedded to the beat…
Free speech, as protected by the First Amendment, is under attack here in Allen County. According to Allen County Sheriff Bryan Murphy “several” individuals have complained to him of being personally threatened for displaying campaign…
A sobering phenomenon about the recent referendum in Great Britain was the low turnout by those who will be most affected by the break-up — the young. While voter turnout was high, at least by…
As a child, we sang “America” more frequently than “The Star Spangled Banner,” in school, perhaps because it has fewer words. My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land…
Considering we’re on the eve of celebrating our nation’s birth, perhaps it’s apt that Monday night’s Iola City Council meeting was an exercise in democracy. The cause of debate was whether the city should retain…