
It’s déjà vu all over again.In 2014, two weeks after Gov. Sam Brownback secured re-election on the promises of a reinvigorated economy, revenue analysts admitted they had been wildly optimistic in their projections and advised…

In 1966, Iola High School was stuffed to the gills because almost half of its 868 students were enrolled at Allen County Community Junior College. Classes were more than just crowded. As many as 80…

It’s fair to say the Buster Keaton Celebration never took hold in Allen County. Over the past 23 years, it’s mostly been out-of-towners who attend the two-day event.Next year will be the last hurrah for…

We didn’t see this coming.But it doesn’t pay to recycle, according to a lengthy story in Sunday’s Kansas City Star.One reason is because the price of oil remains depressed, and petroleum products are essential to…

During August 92 people were shot dead in Chicago neighborhoods, among 1,300 shot and killed or wounded since Jan. 1. Many of the wounded will have debilitating effects for months, years, even a lifetime. According…

Less than a week after she contracted pneumonia, Hillary Clinton was back on the campaign trail. If she’d had it her way, we’d have never known she was sick. Hillary contended her persistent cough was…

At the time, skeptics called it a shell game.Kansas would borrow $1 billion to prop up its pension program on the assumption interest earned with the additional infusion would cover its debt service.That was in…

Most are discomfited by brash behavior. So when Donald Trump told convention delegates this summer that “I am your voice. I alone can fix it [the U.S. of A.],” many squirmed at his outright gall.Leaders…

Sometimes memories are for a lifetime.  Jandy Durand has a house filled with memories of her family — an old barn door and wood ladder, rungs held with baling wire and decorated with hay hooks…

Jerry Daniels, chairman of the Allen County Commission, has missed the last two commission meetings supposedly because of a conflict with his new job.If this continues, Daniels should resign as a commissioner.The commission typically meets…