
If Gov. Sam Brownback were on this year’s ballot, he may have had a tougher time getting re-elected.A recent survey put Brownback’s favorability rating at 19 percent — the lowest of any sitting governor in…

Dear editor,This letter is to inform the reader that I support Allen County Sheriff Byran Murphy and his department and how it has evolved over his current administration.Sheriff Murphy has always communicated and shown support…

To and from work each day I pass a hand-painted yard sign that reads “Everybody Sucks, 2016, The U.S. is doomed.” The sign has been there for the last several months, I assume in reference…

I’ve philosophically eaten crow a few times. Once, on a dare, I ate the real thing. In late summer 1955 I was 12, the magic age by Dad’s decree for me to go hunting without…

Dear editor, I am writing in support of the re-election of Bryan Murphy to the office of Allen County sheriff. Bryan came to Allen County in 1994 from Wyandotte County where he was employed in…

In what is hoped was a backhanded compliment, Rep. Peggy Mast, R-Empor-ia, last week lauded the works of Adolf Hitler, mastermind of the slaughter of 6 million men, women and children. “His words are profound!”…

He was 6’4”.  I’m not. He weighed 250. I don’t. He was a college professor, I a student. He molested me. I came away feeling lucky to be alive.  It could have been so much…

An old farm friend had a saying for every occasion. When he could put a chore off no longer, it was “nut-cuttin’ time.” That’s where we are with this year’s election, nationally and very much…

Dear editor, I am baffled by things going on in this election. I can not believe that a woman would sit and let a man inappropriately touch her and do nothing. If someone touched me…

Dear editor, It will soon be time to think about casting your ballot for people who make the laws concerning our state. If you are a believer in public education like I am I hope…