Voter fraud, the cause célèbre of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, is on trial this week in federal court in Kansas City.Kobach maintains it’s only by the state’s strict oversight that illegal immigrants are…
In small town America, we try to “buy local” even if it means paying slightly more. We do so out of loyalty — and convenience — because it keeps our merchants in business.President Donald Trump’s…
Much has occurred during my 53-plus years at the Register.That came to roost the past couple of weeks while I was doing archival research in preparation for a presentation Thursday evening for the Allen County…
This Thursday, March 8, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the North Community Building, Kansas Appleseed is hosting a panel discussion on food insecurity in Allen County.We see people who live with food insecurity everyday.…
Last month a teenage boy was photographed holding an oxygen mask to the face of an infant. All around them was rubble. Plastic sheets served as walls in a makeshift hospital.The location was Duma, Syria,…
The Kansas House took one step forward but several steps back, earlier this month, on gun reform.On Feb. 2, legislators voted to lower the age to carry a concealed firearm from 21 to 18. Local…
Local Republicans should give serious consideration to throwing their hat in the ring caused by the recent resignation of Jim Talkington on the county commission.Talkington represented District 3, which encompasses the core of Iola as…
One of the most terrible side effects of living in poverty is loneliness and isolation. These two things stem from a lack of funds to participate in activities or lack of transportation, from a feeling…
Psalms 8:2 tells us: “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”That is occurring with the demonstrations and pleas from young…
The most frustrating thing about being young is an overbearing adult.If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look in the mirror.Whenever they get passionate, you sigh, and act as if they don’t have a…