“It occurs to me that, just as the Carthaginians hired mercenaries to do their fighting for them, we Americans bring in mercenaries to do our hard and humble work. I hope we may not be…
In reaction to President Trump’s failure to rebuke white nationalists for the Charlottesville violence, Kenneth C. Frazier, the black CEO of Merck pharmaceuticals, resigned from the president’s American Manufacturing Panel. “America’s leaders must honor our…
White supremacists — those who believe their pale skin engenders special privilege — incited riots over the weekend in Charlottesville, Va. Among the ranks in Friday night’s “Unite the Right” march were Ku Klux Klan…
For many years I had a strong yearning to return to college and immerse myself again in an academic atmosphere. I wasn’t sure what has tempered the urge to the point that it no longer…
Even if donations come pouring into the area’s animal shelter because of recent attention to its plight, they will not be enough to sustain it.We know from history that periodic fundraisers are good for limited…
You know it’s an uphill battle for Moran’s market to survive when sales for Blue Apron, an online food delivery business, have increased 133 percent in one year’s time.Blue Apron is the fastest growing retail…
Martin Shkreli is at one and the same time described as charismatic as well as “the most hated man in America.”Shkreli, 34, is best known for inflating the price of the drug Daraprim by 5,000…
Whether or not the $300,000 sequestered in Allen County’s 2018 budget will be sufficient to plan, build and outfit new ambulance stations in Humboldt and Moran, the commissioners’ zeal to do so is refreshing.Commissioner Jerry…
Somewhere in Allen County there may be a truck big enough to carry all the fish and game I’ve carried home from my outdoor adventures of the last seven decades. Deer alone, at better than…
Occasionally we receive an email from an anonymous correspondent. Usually, we ignore such missives but this person — he or she — writes in a refined manner and offers commentary that we find interesting.Such an…