
Dear editor,The Wichita Eagle had an article on how Kansas has jobs, but where are all the workers? The company that does my heat and air work said they had an ad in the Register…

Less than 24 hours after the mass shooting in Las Vegas many of us were able to move on without even a nod to the previous night’s tragedy.  One of the deadliest mass shootings in…

A day like Wednesday of this week would have had me prepping for hunting season a few years ago.It was damp, dreary and cool, all the elements I equated to the opening of duck season.…

It’s funny how you stumble across things related to home while hundreds of miles away.On a recent trip to Colorado, I came across interesting tidbits about our Fred Funston while perusing a book about William…

Dear editor,I was disturbed after reading the article regarding the parking lot size for G&W Foods. Based on the remarks made by the county commissioners it appears they don’t appreciate G&W for bringing in a…

Perhaps Allen County commissioners were a tad overzealous Tuesday in their concern that the parking lot abutting the new G&W Foods and the medical arts building did not meet their expectations and were merely wanting…

One of the beautiful things about being a U.S. citizen is the right to voice your opinion.That’s why Lady Liberty is emblematic of (most) everyone’s idea of a country that welcomes the oppressed and downtrodden…

It’s not often you get to celebrate your 150th birthday. On Wednesday afternoon, The Iola Register gets such an opportunity, and we hope you’ll join us at 1:30 p.m. at the library of Allen Community…

With ample rainfall, generous sunshine and absence of adverse weather such as hail and windstorms, the life of a Kansas farmer doesn’t get much better. Or does it?Let’s not forget prices paid for crops at…

One of the reasons Allen County was awarded the prestigious Culture of Health Prize today is that the people of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recognized our efforts to tackle problems together.Now, that’s not as…