To LaHarpe mayor and city council members:Today I question each and every one of you elected by the people of LaHarpe to uphold and protect its citizens according to the city ordinances set forth by…
Realizing that another election is not on most people’s minds, Douglas County officials recently spent $27,000 on mailers to remind voters of their upcoming city and school board contests. Included in the mailers were applications…
ME TOO!Social media has been bombarded with these two simple words. If you aren’t aware of what they mean here is a quick lesson. “Me too” is a way to share with other women all…
I have a new role model.Her name is Jacinda Ardern and, at age 37, she has become New Zealand’s new prime minister.Ardern’s Labour Party won by garnering the support of three minor parties to overcome…
The worst reason not to pursue a higher education is because of its impending costs.Ideally, a promising career — made possible only by advanced studies — will, sooner than later, pay for the initial investment…
Dear editor,It was a beautiful day for Farm City Days. A very nice turnout. We went early to find a good place along the curb to set our lawn chairs and get a good view…
Iola Council members should give a thumbs up to pursuing a pedestrian bridge over Elm Creek.Four bids were submitted Monday, the lowest of which would put it at about $346,000 to build and install the…
Dear Readers,Jeanne Myers of Iola recently wrote a friend telling of her experiences at Humboldt’s Biblesta and is kindly sharing it. Hi y’all,I wanted to share with you my experience at Biblesta yesterday in Humboldt,…
Last week President Trump launched what he hopes will be the beginning of the end of the Affordable Care Act.Frustrated by the inability of Congressional Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare, the president signed an…
One of the Humanity House projects that we felt did the most good for people in our community came to a close this past week. Laundry Love was and is a terrific community project. Laundry…