It’s unsettling when a Kansas lawmaker wants to weaken, not strengthen, the word of the law. That’s the goal of Rep. Ron Ryckman, R-Olathe, in an effort to weasel out of the state’s obligation to…
Let me admit to a little secret: My high school football career was limited to my freshman year and a handful of games. I was on the field all the time, probably more because of…
Every child deserves a Christmas that is magical, fun, and exciting. Santa’s Toy Shop takes that mission to heart, and this year we will celebrate its sixth year. Three years ago Humanity House expanded our…
Longtime reader Betty Hawley recently passed along some good news with the suggestion, “Maybe you could pat us on our backs in your press.” The article lists Kansas as seventh in the nation for being…
When Kansas legislators decided in 2014 to shift local city and school board elections from spring to fall they projected voter turnout would more than double.In Iola, we can’t even fill the slate.Positions for both…
Once regarded as an “excellent guy,” George Papadopoulos is now persona non grata to President Trump. Papadopoulos was one of five foreign policy experts Mr. Trump tapped to advise his 2016 presidential campaign. His specialty…
On Sept. 11, 1945, a month after U.S. warplanes dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Walter Lippmann wrote in the New York Herald Tribune:“. . . if we allow fools among us to brandish…
Three things are plaguing our nation: acquiring and using illegal drugs; excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco products; disregarding restrictions on prescription drugs.There is a fourth reality that in any number of ways can lead…
David Toland came mighty close to dead center with the arrow he loosed at Monday night’s BOE meeting.He encouraged transparency in whatever upcoming school improvement issue board members will propose — before it’s too late.In…
Nearly 19 percent of Allen County residents (your neighbors) live below poverty level, and 40 percent only live at 200 percent of the poverty level, and Humanity House has taken up the task of helping…