
Dear editor, We have been following the ambulance issue for Allen County. We understand the commissioners are tasked with the hospital and with funding an ambulance service to provide for Allen countians needs.  We also…

“Innocent people are dead, shot by a young man with a potent firearm, who died after an exchange of gunfire with police.” That was, word-for-word, the opening sentence of our editorial less than a month…

The National Assessment of Educational Progress civics test scores for eighth-graders for the first time have registered a decline while history scores continued their steep decline. The results for the nation’s report card are abysmal…

According to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the United States government will default on its national debt by June 1 if Congress does not act to raise the country’s $31 trillion national debt limit. Late last…

A dozen years ago I was so intrigued with Larry Manes’s flashy wardrobe that I invited myself to his and wife Nelda Cuppy’s home in Moran to learn what was behind it. She was.  Nelda…

NBA stars are known for their highflying feats on the court. Now, they might just be high. Reports have suggested the new tentative contract between the NBA and the National Basketball Players Association might do…

The same U.S. Supreme Court that’s repeatedly ruled that the president of the United States is not above the law considers itself above a simple, enforceable code of ethical conduct. This is not right —…

In 2009, when Mexico’s middle class continued its steady expansion in the wake of NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement), and wealthy neighborhoods bloomed in many cities, it was a popular trope in Washington,…

Every so often an appetite surges for an alternative reserve currency to the dollar — and a market booms in predictions of the greenback’s imminent demise. For nearly three-quarters of a century the dollar has…

They waited ’til the midnight hour, almost, it was the evening of the final day of the 2023 legislative session when lawmakers compromised on school funding and school choice voucher bills.  Republicans, Democrats, legislators from…