
With the aid of a supermajority in both houses of the Kansas Legislature, Republican lawmakers are a step closer to achieving their dream of politicizing the Kansas Supreme Court. That’s what will happen if voters…

Not so long ago, helping refugees get settled was largely uncontroversial.  Since World War II, the United States has distinguished between immigrants, who choose to leave their country, and refugees, who are forced to.  In…

Dear editor, While attending the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Lehigh Portland Visitor Center at Lehigh State Park last week, I was flooded with memories of this beautiful place.  When I first moved to Iola…

They talked by phone for over two hours, but Vladimir Putin left Donald Trump with almost nothing to show for it — a slap in the face that only a man possessed of unbounded chutzpah…

For anyone who thinks the Associated Press’s lawsuit against President Trump’s White House is about the name of a body of water, think bigger. It’s really about whether the government can control what you say.  …

I was born and raised in Iola and remember first learning about science at Lincoln Elementary.  I also learned about food and animal sciences through my local 4-H club, but never really thought that I…

It is jaw-dropping that senior Trump administration figures would accidentally leak war plans to a journalist.  But the fundamental issue is that 18 high-ranking individuals were happy discussing extremely sensitive material on a private messaging…

The news that a U.S. journalist was inadvertently included in a top secret U.S. military chat group should have citizens anxious about how the Trump administration handles its affairs. In mid-March, Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of…

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, one thing we all should be able to agree on is that legitimate ballots cast by legitimate Kansas voters ought to be counted to the fullest…

In a recent Kansas News Service story on Sen. Roger Marshall’s appearance at a town hall meeting in Oakley, Kansas, (pop. 1,982), a board member with the local nursing home said he’d hoped to hear…