Dear editor, All too often I hear disparaging comments about those who work in the public sector whose tasks are to make our day-to-day lives better. One remark, in my rural area, I hear too…
Dear editor, The Allen County Recycling program as it stands today cannot sustain itself for much longer. Without the support of the city or the county we are only able to run it with individuals’…
Dear editor, We have been following the ambulance issue for Allen County. We understand the commissioners are tasked with the hospital and with funding an ambulance service to provide for Allen countians needs. We also…
Dear editor, I read with interest the letter submitted by Dr. and Mrs. Stone. They made a lot of good points. As I have been a patient that needed transferred on a few occasions, what…
Dear editor, We are concerned about the recently signed ambulance contract with AMR. Unless a solution can be found we will have no ambulance transfer capabilities as of 8/1/2023. There is an average of…
Dear editor, Trash blowing around is not limited to the Allen County Landfill. Willful dumping of beer and pop cans, twine, papers, furniture on country roads has long been an eyesore. I know. I pick…
Dear editor, I have noticed with keen interest two Register articles in the last couple of weeks about the problem at the landfill with blowing trash. Friday’s pictures were especially interesting because most of the…
Dear editor, We have recently moved to this area and were so excited about the opportunities for living in a community that supports our disabled adults. I was shocked to see that at Easter the…
Dear Members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, I am writing to express my support for designating Lehigh Portland as a Kansas state park. I was born and raised in Iola. Growing up, my…
Dear Chairwoman Renee Erickson and members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, I am writing to express my support for HB2331, creating Lehigh Portland State Park. I have moved all over the world and throughout…