Letters to the Editor
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I am writing this letter as a citizen of Allen County independent from ACARF (Allen County Animal Rescue Facility). I think this is an appropriate time to remind those cruel and cowardly people who drop…

This letter is in response to Emerson Lynn, jr.’s editorial regarding “USDA on both sides of the battle against obesity.” The editorial, as well as the New York Times article it references, have serious inaccuracies.Most…

If local citizens are feeling cynical about the state of leadership in the country today, they can be proud of their fellow Allen County citizens who participated in the second annual Kansas Community Leadership Initiative…

Earlier this year, Allen County 4-H Council was fortunate to be the recipient of a $2,500 donation through the Monsanto Fund’s America’s Farmers Grow Communities program. On behalf of the 4-H program, I want to…

It’s been a long hot fall.The political climate; the negative advertising; the partisanship that concentrates on drawing various single-issue voters to their side; the non-attention to the fact there are millions of suffering people in…

Saturday night in the big town! Chuck and I just got home from going through the Weatherbie hay bale maze. What an experience, what entertainment for $4.They have done an amazing job creating the haunted…