Letters to the Editor
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I’m writing about Green Beans Coffee, which has a service called COJ (Cup of Joe) and is located on the web at www.greenbeanscoffee.com. This is an organization that supports the morale of our troops around…

To the editorEvery penny counts in today’s economy, yet many working people are overlooking an important tax credit that could put anywhere between $2 to more than $5,600 into their pockets. The Earned Income Tax…

The Kansas Leadership Center asks Kansans to care more, engage more, and risk more on behalf of their communities. Our state’s history indicates we may be on the right path.The question, as we celebrate Kansas’…

I want to thank Mayor Bill Maness for having faith in our City Administrator, Judy Brig-ham, and standing by her during this difficult time. They both have done an excellent job in their duties and…

Civic clubs are a necessary link in the overall non-profit network, offering aid and support to the soul and well-being of our community.The Thursday Register article about the LaHarpe ice skating park brought a memory.…

Dear Emerson:In response to your editorial “Arizona Sheriff Nailed the Cause.”You and the sheriff of Pima County, Ariz., could not be more wrong unless you said the sun was going to rise in the west…

It was with great interest that I read Susan Lynn’s editorial, “New council calls for vision” dated Jan. 7. As I return once a year to my hometown of Iola to visit family and friends,…

Dear Editor,It’s time to rejoice and participate in a new era for Iola. We are witness to an historical time. Many of our citizens have worked to create a representative system of government for Iola…

Dear Editor,I know you probably think that their fur is enough, but it’s not. So go out to buy your dog something warm this winter.It isn’t too early to begin to prepare a warm place…

Dear Editor,I think we should have a zen area so we can calm ourselves.If you’re stressed out, too much excitement, or hyper, then you can calm yourself.If you have bad thoughts like someone close to…