Letters to the Editor
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Dear Editor,I would like to respond to the statement made by Jim Smith in the Tuesday Iola Register that stated our Governor wants to allow guns to be carried in our schools. That is a…

Dear Editor, As many of you know, serving on a board of directors can be a tiring and thankless job. Often, the meeting times clash with family events or other personal and professional obligations. To…

Dear Editor,   Five kids shot in Ohio high school and yet our radical governor here in Kansas actually wants to allow guns to be carried in some of our schools. What’s next, everyone carrying…

Dear Editor,   Whoever sent me gift cards to Walmart and Moon’s Market — THANK YOU. And God bless you too! Bought new shoes at Walmart, and groceries at Moon’s.  “Kindness is everything.”   Jim…

Dear Editor, With the truth our dogs haven’t a fight to attend.  It is due time that the wishes, half-truths and politically motivated opinions expressed in articles written by the Iola Register are brought into…

Dear Editor, The last time the commissioners decided to change our ambulance service, it cost the Allen County taxpayers well over $1 million. Now it looks like a lot of the same people are at…

Dear Editor, Whether raising taxes or lowering taxes gets the desired result depends on the negative space surrounding the decision. Like in a picture, the subject matter’s impression depends on the background around the subject.…

Dear Editor,I continue to follow the council meetings by person, by news report, and the City’s web page. And, after reading the news account following last week’s council meeting, I wanted to make certain that…

Dear Editor, I would like to comment on recent events. Unemployment, health care, the deficit and others pale to our most precious asset — our children.A very smart person once said, and I paraphrase, A…

Dear Editor,Taking money from Peter to pay Paul may be OK, but Peter deserves some assurance that Paul is eventually going to repay the debt.Sometimes government comes up with ideas that give the appearance of…