Letters to the Editor
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Dear editor, What’s going on at Allen Community College?  It appears there is all sorts of upheaval with many long-tenured employees leaving and less interaction with our community. Dan Smith, LaHarpe, Kan.

Dear editor, I appreciated the response letter to the original one from last Wednesday’s paper and the time it took to write it.  His argument was that having chickens do not save you any money.…

Dear editor, I loved the letter to the editor in Wednesday’s paper about the chickens getting voted down by the Iola Council.  It’s hilarious to see people get so upset over this and bring up…

Dear editor, My wife and I just got back from a walk after attending Monday’s Iola council meeting where they voted against accepting the chicken ordinance.  It was much talked about in the paper the…

Dear editor, The day after a harrowing night in the emergency room, I met Dr. Megan Morriss for the first time.  A week later she corrected my problem. She is an excellent doctor. She communicates…

Dear editor and the Iola community, It was a thrill to read about the love and great care that the French family has put into my father’s childhood home, the former home of Nora and…

Dear editor, Thank you for your column in Saturday’s paper about immigration.  I had a very similar discussion with a friend of  more than 30 years. We are no longer speaking, as he feels I…

Dear editor, The Founding Fathers often are dismissed as having had no foresight in regard to today when constitutional issues and dreadful occurrences take center stage. “Times today are much different in many respects,” their…

Dear editor, For years, I have volunteered for things to make Iola better, but it wasn’t until last year that I responded to the request from Iola Elementary School librarians to read to first-grade students…

Dear editor: I believe Terry and Susie Call have a valid point [regarding municipal recycling] but it can be extended to other areas of services.  Many times people are all for a service as long…