Dear editor, This is on behalf of the 25 people who at one time or another have participated in Iola Recreation Department’s senior-cise program since the flooding that made the Community Building unfit for use.…
Dear editor, Something that bothers me is how older people can get free transportation but younger people dont have those opportunities. I have arthritis really bad in my knee and it takes all my…
Dear editor, For SO MANY reasons an aquatic center would be a tremendous asset to our community. Many will balk at the expense but the potential revenue (if we utilize it as we should) will…
Dear editor, I think you hit the nail on the head with your editorial about the new Rec Center being proposed by Allen Community College. After the 2007 flood, a new rec center with an…
Dear editor, After reading what the Iola City Council members are putting on our streets I had to say I do not like it. I am a senior. When I went to walk across the…
Dear editor, I attended the last session of the city council meeting which was mainly to approve a city budget for 2020. There were widely different opinions as to how the available money was to…
Dear editor, Please, Allen County commissioners, dont consider it a hardship to ask the citizens of Iola, who also pay county taxes, to give more money to preserve the Allen County Animal Rescue Facility just…
Dear editor, I ask what is the general purpose of the 17 prophets, in the Old Testament, Isaiah to Malachi? And I answer myself integrity, truthfullness and faithfulness. And they challenged the people of…
Dear editor, Here are some random thoughts as I observe the daily activities in our community. 1. At the July 22 City Council meeting, a Council member said he had received several emails asking to…
Dear editor, As we approach this election, I watch with interest the race for mayor. While it is true I no longer work for the city, I still have many friends that serve the citizens…