Like a student who knows a bad grade is coming, the country should have been prepared to receive poor marks on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, better known as the nation’s report card. Indicators…
It is a sign of democratic progress that Britain’s next prime minister will be of Indian heritage. The Conservative party is not the natural home for many of the country’s non-white voters. Yet so many…
It’s no surprise that the Kremlin would try to divert attention from its failures in Ukraine toward a new story about Kyiv’s purported plans to detonate a radioactive “dirty bomb.” Transparent disinformation, Moscow’s tale might…
One of the world’s worst humanitarian crises has escalated dramatically over the past two months — but has received scant attention from the international community. In Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region, where federal forces have been…
In 2018, we said Laura Kelly was the clear choice for Kansas governor, pointing out her “practical yet determined plan” to repair the fiscal damage of her predecessors. She executed that plan. Today, we strongly…
Even as former President Donald Trump remains mired in the fallout from his unlawful retention of classified government documents, a new investigation outlines how his businesses bilked the government by massively overcharging the Secret Service…
As the weather gets colder, Americans hunker down for a third winter marred by COVID-19 — a virus everyone would gladly erase from our memories. But we can’t, because the bug is still taking about…
Man, it’s almost enough to restore your faith in America. The happiness I felt when a jury ordered defamer extraordinaire Alex Jones to pay a billion dollars to the Connecticut parents he’d tormented for years…
Last week, in his first in-person TV interview since a May stroke, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. and Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate John Fetterman relied on closed-captioning technology to aid with his auditory processing problems and…
School officials aren’t short of explanations for the difficulty in finding and retaining teachers. There’s the pandemic and its long-term effects, especially among older workers who took early retirement in what’s now known as the…