
The Supreme Court on Friday issued the kind of ruling that would once have been viewed as so obvious as to be unnecessary: Yes, the court said, judges have the constitutional authority to deny firearms…

What began as a search for adequate ballfields for the Iola High softball and baseball programs ballooned into a comprehensive flood mitigation plan for Riverside Park Monday night. “You can’t have one without the other,”…

Peter Morgan’s play “Patriots,” which ended its Broadway run Sunday, tells the backstory of the rise of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The author of “The Crown” sees the story as the arrogant folly of post-glasnost…

In case you missed it, China this week stepped up its naval harassment of an important American friend in Asia — and we don’t mean Taiwan. A serious skirmish involving the Philippine navy is a…

Joseph Stalin’s infamous death camps are a thing of the past in modern Russia, but the dictator’s absurd show trials live on. Last week, Russian prosecutors announced that they had finalized “charges” against Wall Street…

Summer officially begins Thursday, with the solstice occurring at 4:51 p.m. — the earliest since June 20, 1796. Yet even when the longest day of the year arrives more promptly than expected, there aren’t enough…

It is 70 years since AT&T’s Bell Labs unveiled a new technology for turning sunlight into power. The phone company hoped it could replace the batteries that run equipment in out-of-the-way places.  It also realized…

Vladimir Putin had not visited North Korea for almost a quarter of a century. His first visit came shortly after his accession to power in 2000, when Seoul’s “sunshine policy” toward Pyongyang had raised hopes…

The optics of Kansas legislators debating whether to support an effort to lure the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals across the border during Tuesday’s special session are somewhat jarring. Initially, the session was to solely…

Juneteenth is no more a holiday just for Black people than the Fourth of July is a holiday just for white people. It recognizes and celebrates a profound milestone in American history — the declaration…