Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the personal injury attorneys who became darlings of the right-wing fever swamps by waving guns around at peaceful protesters in St. Louis last year, pleaded guilty last week to misdemeanor charges.…
A tall black metal fence is being erected around the governor’s mansion, Cedar Crest, in Topeka. The barrier will replace a decorative split rail wood fence. Because Cedar Crest borders a 244-acre park replete with…
The first time the Supreme Court decided an Affordable Care Act case, back in 2012, the result was a historic case with a complicated opinion written by the chief justice. It’s still studied closely in…
So much for quaint notions of bipartisanship. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell this week bluntly admitted what should long have been obvious: He views partisan politics as a zero-sum game in which the only goal…
President Biden’s first summit meeting with Vladimir Putin was preceded by reports of persistent cyberattacks by Russian state and private actors against sensitive U.S. targets and a major Russian military mobilization along the borders of…
Gov. Gavin Newsom of California declared a drought emergency last month in Sonoma and Mendocino counties because of severe drop-offs in the winter rains that once had been counted on to fill reservoirs in the…
It appeared they were at an impasse. Josh Works had asked Humboldt city council members to close off three of the streets surrounding the downtown square for the better part of the Aug. 14 Water…
Imposing a minimum global tax on corporations has long been a priority of the United States, which rightly wants to avoid having big American multinationals claiming domicile in some low-tax or no-tax haven, costing the…
Moral panics don’t produce good policy. Neither does banning things. The current fracas about critical race theory on the right is just such a panic, and if legislators don’t stand up for common sense, they…
Over the past 20 years, China has absorbed millions of U.S. jobs. It has stolen billions of dollars’ worth of intellectual property from American companies and made itself critical to global supply chains, at times…