
Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked attack against Ukraine has triggered a forceful and blistering response from the global community that has united our allies against the Russian leader’s brutality. His decision to invade a free and sovereign…

The Kansas Legislature and its committees take up tons of bad bills every year. Some of them make sense but would have destructive consequences (everyone likes tax cuts, for instance, but if you cut them…

Last week the Docking Institute of Public Affairs at Fort Hays State University published the results from the 2021 Kansas Speaks survey. For those not familiar with Kansas Speaks, it is an annual public opinion…

As days stretched into weeks, our news screens have been bombarding us with images of brave and determined Ukrainian civilians seeking shelter and sometimes getting killed as Vladimir Putin’s war of choice exploded over their…

For over a year, Kansans have been waiting for answers as to where the investigation into the natural gas price gouging crisis stands. Throughout that time, Attorney General Derek Schmidt has withheld details of the…

On Monday, the House Taxation Committee held a hearing that served as an epilogue to 10 years’ worth of drama in Kansas. Donna Ginther, director of the Institute for Policy and Social Research at the…

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin spent 90 minutes on the phone with French President Emmanuel Macron, who asked him to declare a cease-fire in Ukraine. Not interested, Putin replied. “He refuses to stop his…

“This war is for all the world,” a haggard Volodymyr Zelenskyy told CNN from an underground bunker, surrounded by sandbags. The incredibly brave Ukrainian president is correct. Ukrainians are fighting for us, for the United…

Until Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine last week, the standoff between Russia and a U.S.-led Western alliance had produced, on balance, a net strategic benefit for China. Now that Putin has pulled the trigger,…

It’s been a week of disbelief watching in horror as Russian troops descend on Ukraine. The dead lying in the streets. People sheltering in subway tunnels to escape the blanket bombings. Schools, hospitals, apartment buildings…