It was dark as I drove home after last night’s discussion at Iola Public Library. Hard to believe it’s already fall; the days are shorter, the pulsing scream of cicadas a mere memory. Just as…
Extreme heat causes thousands of unnecessary deaths each year in the United States. And due to climate change, heat waves are becoming more common. This summer, for example, Phoenix had a record 31 straight days…
Trust in institutions is declining, expectations for small business outcomes are diminishing and real household incomes are sinking; it is fair to say that Americans seem to be in a funk. The University of Michigan’s…
There’s a gaping hole in the endless argument over immigration — and it drives me up the wall. It involves a crisis that should have united both immigration hawks and doves in an effort to…
Unless stopped, the Department of Veterans Affairs is set to knock over a domino that may drastically harm veterans’ health care and then spread to the general community. In a cost-cutting measure on track to…
Once again this fall, about 1 million international students — and it would be more, if we let them in — have flocked to American colleges and universities. Indeed, it seems that what the world…
Last month a state district court judge in Montana ruled in favor of young environmental activists — ranging in age from 5 to 22 — and their claim that the state of Montana was violating…
There’s an old cliche that says no one’s liberty is safe when the Legislature is in session. Well, here in Kansas, we can go that one better. Our state Legislature’s a threat to liberty, even…
Maybe the beginning of a new football season isn’t the best time to consider the damage that football does to players’ bodies. In fact, if you’d rather not think about it, turn the page. Otherwise,…
My good friends know that my end is near. Several of them have flown from far away to see me in Texas. They come for an hour or two of conversation, and then they fly…