
On a bright Thursday morning the Rev. John Skillings paid us a call at the Register.  His mood, however, did not match the weather. “We need to take President Trump at his word,” he said,…

Some parents in Neosho, Mo., on the western edge of the Ozarks, were all for Newton County’s ongoing “experiment” of letting kids who’d been exposed to COVID-19 go back to class and even play sports…

I’m guessing most people would appreciate a two-hour deep-tissue massage about now.  If only it could be done remotely. Between the pandemic, politics, and natural disasters, the news can be overwhelming these days.  At such…

As a physician, I’m part of a COVID-19 task force that contacts coronavirus-positive patients and clarifies the next steps in their care. When I tell them their test result is positive, many react with puzzlement,…

Early in the pandemic, I had occasion to page through photo albums my mother assembled during my childhood. Some of those happy images chilled my physician heart. There I was, two months old, sleeping peacefully…

WASHINGTON — To the ancient Greeks, hubris was the crime of arrogance — an offense against common decency and an insult to the gods. Their myths included a goddess named Nemesis whose job was to…

On separate occasions in the past year, my wife gifted me an American flag and a bust of George Washington. She clearly gets my abiding love for this country, even if her wonderful presents come…

Depending on the definitions you use, the residents of Kansas’s rural counties and small towns make up less than a third, and perhaps as little as a quarter, of the state’s total population. Despite our…

If I could have a private audience with President Donald Trump I’d tell him to hit me with the truth. Every time. On Thursday, the president said the reason he has been minimizing the seriousness…

The fog started more than five months ago as the pandemic descended on the nation. For a few weeks it felt like the polarization in our society would give way to collaboration. Public officials worked…