PITTSBURG — Though Crawford County Treasurer Joe Grislano did not dispute the math of what a proposed solar farm would bring to the area, he questioned that it would substantially increase the county’s land valuations,…
Researchers at the University of Missouri have developed a vaccine to protect cattle against a deadly tick-borne disease. Bovine anaplasmosis impacts red blood cells in cattle and causes the animal’s immune system to destroy the…
TOPEKA — The state treasurer for Kansas said the bipartisan settlement of multistate litigation against Delaware regarding unclaimed property from a money-transfer company would result in $1.5 million being forwarded to Kansas for distribution to…
TOPEKA — As the Kansas and Missouri medical communities prepare for respiratory illness season, health officials grapple with an early COVID-19 infection spike and higher-than-normal tuberculosis infections in Wyandotte County. COVID positivity rates have been…
WICHITA — ICT Food Rescue executive director Stephanie Merritt, in a presentation Wednesday at the inaugural Kansas Local Food Summit in Wichita, said food waste and food insecurity are two concerns that go together. Merritt’s…
TOPEKA — Kansas Republicans pressing to reform the Legislature’s annual budget-writing process want to displace governors from the lead role in proposing state spending changes, alter a Statehouse culture that embraced the three-day workweek, and…
PITTSBURG — After several iterations, a former elementary school in downtown Pittsburg is being renovated to become a state-of-the-art pre-school, according to The Morning Sun. Built in 1937, the one-story Washington Elementary School accommodated kindergartners…
The Kansas Department of Commerce responded Thursday to allegations made publicly by former employee Jonathan Clayton, whose body was apparently found inside a wrecked vehicle earlier this week. Clayton had accused state officials of awarding…
TOPEKA — More than 100,000 Kansans have lost health care coverage through the state’s Medicaid program since April 2023 after the rocky “unwinding” of pandemic-era protections, but the agency in charge of the review has…
Last April, the Kansas Legislature approved a bill making it a crime to coerce another person to have an abortion. Critics said it would be a redundant law that could intimidate reproductive health care providers.…