Marmaton Valley High School students arrived at Saturday’s prom in bright colors and an air of excitement, with near-perfect weather to highlight the march into the school.
Iola Middle School track and field athletes Reginald Davis, Kevon Loving, Haidyn Desmarteau and Cam Wille were at Iola Elementary School Monday to speak a little bit about why they enjoy the sport. The assembly,…
For the first time since she was a child, Becky Carlson no longer has a team to coach. Carlson, whose hall of fame coaching career netted her three state championships and 529 victories in basketball…
LAHARPE — A welding competition gave students at the Regional Rural Technical Center in LaHarpe not only a chance to test their skills but also an opportunity to shine. The six-member team took first place…
Health director Rebecca Johnson admits she probably wouldn’t have taken the job if she’d known what was coming. Johnson had been working for the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Departments for about a year when the…
Humboldt High School athletes worked with throngs of youngsters on the basics of track and field events Wednesday at the USD 258 Sports Complex. Humboldt Elementary School students from kindergarten through second grade were hosted…
LaHarpe residents have discovered that two of three priorities for their community have remained the same over the past year. During Tuesday evening’s LaHarpe Community Conversation, hosted by Thrive Allen County, a small group of…
Emily Cowan, founder of the Abandoned Kansas and Missouri branches of the Abandoned Atlas Foundation, recalls seeing her first abandoned place. The Skedee school in Oklahoma had been closed for 50 years, so Cowan was…
Though things may look in disarray, Steve and Gail Norman, owners of Normans Printing, want people to know they are “downsizing,” and not going out of business. The Normans have until the first of May…
Allen Community College will spend up to $12 million to build a new Career and Technology Education (CTE) facility and maintenance shop. The goal is to attract more students by offering in-demand career training programs.…