
IOLA MUNICIPAL COURT Judge Patti Boyd Convicted as follows: Sue M. Burgess, Iola, theft, $336, probation ordered Tristan D. Fry, El Dorado, theft, $315, probation ordered Joseph M. Leftwich, Neosho Falls, driving while suspended (third…

Dear Carolyn: My wife has what I would call some anger issues. I don’t know whether she would agree. But I have asked her at various times to be “nicer” to me. (I hate putting…

The Prairie Rose 4-H Club met at 4 p.m. July 9 at Moran United Methodist Church for Parents’ and Grandparents’ Night.  Roll call was answered by 14 members, two Cloverbuds and two leaders. Eleven guests…

Jeanne Percy became a great-grandmother for the 14th time on her 88th birthday (with two more on the way) when Miles Jordan Carroll was born on July 5, 2023. Miles weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces,…

We asked readers to channel their inner Carolyn Hax and answer this question. Some of the best responses are below. Dear Carolyn: How do I get over the feeling that I’m competing for a “lesser”…

CHANUTE — Ruth Spangler of Moran was recently honored for her longtime service to Tri-Valley Developmental Services as a Friends of Tri-Valley board member. Spangler represented Allen County on the Foundation board from 1990 to…

DEAR DR. ROACH: If you would recommend one good thing to do in your life to prolong your life and have good health, what would it be? By the same token, if you were to…

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My husband of 20 years died seven months ago. He had been sick, but his death was unexpected. We had a decent marriage. We were not head-over-heels in…

Grilling with family and friends is a classic summertime activity, particularly during the month of July which is designated as National Grilling Month. Keep foodborne illness off the menu by following these tips while grilling:…

Your finances are all in order and your bucket list is complete. You are officially ready to retire, right? Not so fast. Research has shown that we need to be concerned about more than just…