Arrest On July 25, Cody Woodson, age 30 of Iola, was arrested in the 500 block of North Second Street on suspicion of criminal damage to property. Accidents On July 20, a vehicle driven by…
Zachary Wood and Emily Boyd were married in a ceremony at the Flatrock Ranch in Greenwood County. Emily is the daughter of Mark and Patti Boyd of Moran. She is a PhD candidate in chemistry…
Beginning in August, Chanute will recognize its rich Mexican ancestry with the 106th Mexican Fiesta. The crowning of the king and queen and their court is Aug. 19, followed by the noon-to-midnight celebration on Sept.…
Shannon Patterson, Allen County clerk, described her job responsibilities for Iola Kiwanis Club members at their Tuesday meeting, focusing on the election process. Patterson’s office is central in most county functions, she noted. In addition…
DEAR DR. ROACH: My brother was just diagnosed with a rare form of prostate cancer, called small cell. What I’ve read doesn’t sound encouraging. Are there any new treatments? — Anon. ANSWER: Most prostate cancers…
Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My son just got engaged, and we are all thrilled. He is giving me such a small list, though, that I can only include some first cousins and…
The McKenzie/Drake family reunion was July 22, 2023 at Iola’s Riverside Park. The Joseph McKenzie family settled west of Iola in 1858 along the Neosho River. Their daughter married James Wallace Drake in 1861, also…
The Southwind Extension District is hosting a “Spa and Relaxation Program” in Iola this summer. Youth from ages 7 to 18, along with their mom, grandma, or guardian, are invited to attend a one-day session…
A chorus of cricket chirps isn’t just summer background music — it can also be a temperature gauge. Crickets chirp faster when it’s hotter outside, according to a scientific article published in 1897. In “Cricket…
Domestic battery alleged Iola police officers are requesting a charge of domestic battery be filed against a suspect tied to a dispute reported Saturday evening in the 900 block of North Washington Avenue. Walmart thefts reported…