
Pastor Chase Riebel took his sermon “A Useful Vine” from Ezekiel 15 and John 15. God is patient with us for our sake so that everyone has a chance to repent and to bear good…

Iola Community Theatre stage actors River Hess, left, and Justin Chandlee rehearse a scene from “Catch Me If You Can,” which continues this weekend at  the ICT Warehouse, 203 S. Jefferson Ave. Tickets sell for…

Russell Stover Chocolates partnered with the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce and G&W Foods to hold a Valentine’s event focused on career and community conversations. In addition to its normal flurry of activity, the Iola…

Iola Elementary School fifth-graders celebrated at Thursday’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) graduation ceremony. Lanie Mileham, Emma Wilson, Olivia Appling and Augustus Cook were chosen to read their essays. Others honored for  their essays were…

Folklorist Jim Hoy grew up on a stock ranch near Cassoday, lived all his life in the Flint Hills where he developed a fascination with the folklife of ranching. He heard tales of grasshoppers so…

Dear Carolyn: Can a relationship survive if one partner is banned from talking about work at all? I don’t mean blathering on for hours or every day, I mean when one partner can’t even come…

Colony man faces sentencing COLONY — Joshua Lohff, 34, of Colony faced sentencing Wednesday on a single charge of illegally entering Crest High School in the wee hours of the morning last October, according to…

Members of the Iola Masonic Lodge 38 partnered with the Kansas Masonic Foundation in donating $1,000 to the Iola Community Food Pantry as well as food items as part of their “Operation Christmas.” Lodge members…

Arrests reported Eric Bain was arrested by Iola police officers Sunday evening in the 400 block of Kansas Drive for suspected possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia and failing to maintain vehicle liability insurance. Officers…

Dear Carolyn: I increasingly feel like my life is on hold until my wife and I decide, finally, whether to have a third baby. We always wanted two children; we have two boys who are…