
Chase leads to arrests Chad M. Church, 54, Moran, is one of two people in custody after authorities said he led them on a chase through three neighboring counties Wednesday. The incident began Wednesday afternoon…

Allen Community College Agriculture will host the college’s 47th annual Aggie Day April 3 in Iola. The event will bring area high school students from near and far to compete in various Career Development Events…

A groundbreaking ceremony at Allen County Community College, to mark the start of construction of a new Career and Technical Education (CTE) facility has been put on hold. The event had been planned for Wednesday…

The semi-monthly meeting of the Alpha-Gal Syndrome group will be at 1 p.m. Sunday at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 2401 S. State St. in Iola. The public is invited for snacks and drinks. The presentation…

LaHarpe VFW Auxiliary members have been busy letting veterans know they are loved. At the Auxiliary’s Feb. 10 meeting it was reported they sent 80 Valentine’s Day cards to the Winfield VA hospital, eight cards…

Tobacco stolen Officers were told Sunday that an unknown male left Pump N. Pete’s at 205 S. State St., without paying for tobacco products. Sign hit Stephanie A. Vest was eastbound on Miller Road the…

Learn about how to keep you and your family during extreme weather at Monday’s “Storm Fury on the Plains,” at 6:30 p.m. in the Creitz Recital Hall in the Bowlus Center. The program is free…

Iola High School’s forensics team has had an active season with several earning top places in their respective competitive speaking and acting pieces. Saturday’s competition was the team’s most successful venture yet, with Iola taking…

The March Allen Community College Board of Trustees meeting has been moved to 7 p.m., March 12, in the Spencer Ambler Board Room at the ACC campus. The meeting has been pushed back a day…

Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten breakfast series for Iola area churches. On Wednesday, residents are invited to First Presbyterian Church at 7 a.m. for a short worship service and meal. Breakfasts will…