
Convicted as follows: Gregory C. McCullough, Iola, failure to carry/exhibit license, $545 Carlos A. Nava-Ramirez, Lawrence, failure to yield, $327 Jaymz S. Pace, Iola, speeding (73/35), $425 Diversions Christina N.M. Gideon, Iola, possessing alcohol as…

Hi, Carolyn: We’ve been together for 2½ years. He says he loves me, he says he wants to marry me, he says he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, but he…

Banks, retailers and city hall will hand out hundreds of pastel-colored mini-scrolls printed with poems Friday, courtesy of the Iola Public Library. It’s Poem for Your Pocket Day, a national event in celebration of National…

Students of Betty Cunningham and Kathleen McCollam attended the Mid-America Music Festival at Pittsburg State University on April 22. Cunningham’s students who received I ratings were Maddie McDermeit on violin and Piper Weilert on violin…

Too many daylilies? Tired of that house plant? Swap ’em.  Iola Public Library holds its annual plant swap  from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 6, at the gazebo on the library’s east lawn. The…

Dear Carolyn: I am friends with a few members of a pretty tight clique. Over the years, I have had fluctuating levels of closeness with some of these women, and also fluctuating levels of hurt…

Donna Houser, with Iola Community Involvement Task Force, spoke to Iola Kiwanians last week about the CITF fund drive for a splash park along Cottonwood Street, between Buchanan Street and Iola First Baptist Church. Houser…

Dear Carolyn: My 15-year-old niece recently had her hair professionally dyed red. My sister — the child’s mother — facilitated this, but the niece used money she earned with a part-time job. When my mother…

Dear Dr. Roach: I have a history of polyps. I recently had nasal polyps removed, and a previous colonoscopy had also revealed polyps. I have been put on a blood thinner (Xarelto) and an aspirin.…

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I think my boyfriend and I are breaking up. It’s happening gradually, in small steps. Like we had a fight about bills, so now he buys his own…