Dear Carolyn: What do I do when my friends are hurting and I can’t do anything to help them? I don’t have a lot of friends, but right now all of them are in various…
Dear Carolyn: My children have turned me into a grinch! I used to like the holidays. Still do, mostly. But the disruption in routines, and extra sugar, mean days of crazy, rambunctious, cranky kids after…
As the holiday season approaches, resist the temptation to taste uncooked batter or dough, no matter how delicious it might be. You have probably heard it’s a bad idea to eat uncooked dough because…
Dear Carolyn: I don’t want children — and have health issues that would make pregnancy and childbirth life-threatening for me — and I enjoy having lots of time to myself. I have a good job,…
Dear Carolyn: My mother-in-law apparently didn’t come with a volume button. When we are in church, at a sporting event — pre-covid — or generally out in public, she doesn’t seem to notice how loudly…
Hi, Carolyn: Earlier this year, I had a short but intense relationship with a guy who was a great catch. Good-looking, smart, well-read, liked his family, etc., and in our late 20s/flirting with 30, that…
Knowing this Christmas season may look a lot different from Christmas past, we may be struggling to find ways to carry on some of our traditions. Previously, I had written about simplifying our holiday festivities…
Just because COVID-19 continues to plague our communities, does not mean the good work done by community organizations and clubs needs to come to and end. It is suggested we avoid face-to-face gatherings, and the…
Dear Carolyn: This is so wrenching to say, but I’m going to have to break up with my fiancee, and I’m trying to figure out the least painful way to do it. We’ve been together…
It’s the season where we are looking for all things to be merry and bright. However, this holiday season is likely to look different from previous years. The focus on family and togetherness during…