
Dear Carolyn: My husband and I live within a short drive of my family and see them often. We have had to ask my sister to please NOT try to discipline my 5-year-old twins, because…

Dear Carolyn: I don’t know how to deal with my feelings about how the COVID-19 vaccinations are rolling out. I have a very close group of friends, none of whom are high-risk. A couple have…

In the beef project, youth will learn all aspects of the beef industry by raising a market steer or building your own herd by raising heifers and cows. There is 4-H Curriculum that can be…

Winter is still holding on, although I’m optimistic spring is within sight.  Hopefully we will get some nice warm days here in March since February didn’t have very many to offer us. When we do,…

Hi, Carolyn: It’s time to update my will. I am a widow, in my 70s, modest income, own my own (modest) home, never had my own kids, but have nieces and nephews. They grew up…

Dear Carolyn: My sweet husband loves to cook. The problem is that nine times out of 10, what he has prepared is practically inedible. Then, owing to the whoever-cooks-doesn’t-clean-up rule, I’m left with a tremendous…

Dear Carolyn: I used to be fairly good at making small talk, and had to do it often. Since being a working parent of young kids, though, I find I just absolutely cannot stand social…

Dear Carolyn: What do you do when you have changed your mind about having kids? My husband and I previously agreed that we didn’t want them, but we were young and immature. I now do.…

The need for nitrogen in wheat is well known, but sulfur and chloride deficiencies are more common in than many farmers realize. Sulfur deficiency looks a lot like nitrogen deficiency and chloride deficiency looks just…

 “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Sir Winston Churchill   Conflict is challenging — I don’t enjoy it and I dread when I know…