
As August comes to an end, farmers begin a busy time of year, preparing for corn and soybean harvest, and planning for winter wheat planting. While everything seems to hit at once this time of…

If you have a health insurance plan through, you may see a decrease in your monthly premiums beginning Sept. 1.   The American Rescue Plan enhanced premium assistance for 2021 and 2022 by lowering…

Summer may be coming to an end but our risk for heat related illness is still very real. I learned that first hand a few weeks ago. The weather had been hot, but it was…

During the past several weeks, we’ve welcomed several new Chamber members to the community, including Jefferson Lines, US Cellular and INA Alert, Inc. Jefferson Lines has provided safe, reliable, convenient, and affordable motorcoach transportation since…

The Sunflower Quilter’s Guild will meet Monday at the Humboldt United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall, 806 N. Ninth. The board meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. and the Guild meeting at 10. Susan McMillan will…

Southwind Extension District 4-H members from Allen County competed Aug. 14, in the State Horticulture Judging Contest at Throckmorton Hall on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan.   They had to identify 50 different…

The Prairie Dell 4-H Club met on Aug. 9, at Heartland Meadows for its annual project tour.   Lainey Church led the club and the residents in singing “If You’re Happy and You Know It”…

The City Slickers 4-H Club held an early August meeting on July 24 at the Riverside Park Show Arena, called to order by President Carly Dreher.  Roll call was answered by “What is your favorite…

Although many gardens are still producing, it is time to get our fall vegetables planted. Believe it or not, fall is a great gardening season!  When you think about it, fall weather is much like…

Families are busy. Even more so now that school is in session and the list of things to do can seem daunting. It really comes down to organization. The first and most important tool is…