Adopted from a recent online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My husband has an ex-girlfriend with whom he has stayed good friends for the 10 years since their breakup. (She refers to him as being “like a…
Dear Carolyn: As a professional copy editor, I am very aware of how people use words, which has led me into a habit I hate. When I talk with people, I often find myself editing…
Dear Dr. Roach: My wife gets really annoyed when I ask her to repeat a request or comment. She thinks I need a hearing aid. Although my hearing isn’t what it used to be (one…
A new study suggests the notion of clean, country air might be misleading. Traditionally, air quality has been measured by the size of pollution particles or, more scientifically, particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5…
The first seed catalog of the year arrived in my mailbox right before Christmas. The catalogs seem to arrive earlier and earlier every year. I do enjoy flipping through the pages looking at all the…
The regular monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was called to order by President Mallory Heim on Jan. 9 at Moran United Methodist Church. The Cloverbuds led in the Pledge of Allegiance…
The new year is kicking off with the No Surprises Medical Bills Act, the newest consumer rights and protection law from the federal government. The goal of the act is to create a more transparent,…
Fertilizer prices have reached new highs as we move into 2022, and they show no signs of coming back down for this growing season. Many farmers wonder if they’ll be able to properly fertilize their…
According to leading scientific expert on gratitude Dr. Robert Emmons, “there is a power in living thankfully, especially in times of great distress.” As we near the two-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, this quote…
Some of us may still be winding up our holiday celebrations — gift exchanges may be lingering on our calendar yet, and the decorations may remain hanging to keep those festive vibes alive. The holidays…