
Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My girlfriend and I have been together for over four years and really love each other. She’s my best friend and the best person I know. But recently…

As you start to think about buying school supplies and taking other steps to prepare for the start of a new school year come August, it is important to also think about food safety.  For…

Farmers and ranchers are often considered one of the most resilient groups of individuals. They face challenges daily that are out of their control and that impact their financial well-being and livelihood. Some of the…

As a clinical professor at my state’s medical school, I frequently have medical students seeing patients with me in clinic. While the majority of patients are happy to allow student involvement, some decline. This makes…

Japanese beetles have become a yearly pest. They were first reported in the United States in 1916 and have since become established in many states — including Kansas. The adult beetle is one of the…

Dear Dr. Roach: I have been diagnosed with acid reflex for 20 years, but have never been on any antacid medication until recently, when my doctor prescribed Prilosec. My concern is whether it safe for…

Dear Dr. Roach: Your recent article on electrolytes reminded me of my mother’s experience. At 89, she was dizzy, fainting and falling. I took her to her doctor. Her blood tests showed dangerously low levels…

Mark Mueller sleeps anxiously this time of year. Except when it rains. The northeast Iowa farmer said the corn on his farm near Waverly is slightly shorter than normal for this time of year, but…

After a long day at work, the last thing many people want to do is cook dinner. The average person spends 30 minutes a day or more trying to figure out what to eat for…

Dear Carolyn: My husband is the sort of person who gets up every morning and immediately takes a shower. There are no exceptions. He does not present himself to others, even our children, before he…