
Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: What is the bare minimum amount of time I need to spend with my parents to not be a horrible person? I did not have a particularly happy…

There are two kinds of people in the world: people who hate snow and those of us who love it. If you think I am crazy, consider I grew up in Wisconsin. In my world,…

DEAR DR. ROACH: I was confused by your column the other day, as well as the response regarding weight loss to a writer who is losing height due to aging and/or osteoporosis. Would it be…

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My husband and I alternate families for Thanksgiving every year. My in-laws have a very different way of celebrating. My mother-in-law does all the cooking and cleaning up,…

DEAR DR. ROACH: Can you please provide details on which cholesterol numbers to pay attention to? Half of my numbers are in the “good” range, and the other half are in the “bad” range.  My…

Dear Carolyn: What do you do when you’re depressed but you feel as if you can’t tell your spouse because she’ll worry, and she’ll be upset because you didn’t tell her sooner, and she’ll be…

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I have been with my husband since we were 16; we are now 71, and we have been married for 53 years. We were insanely in love, and…

The Southwind Extension District is offering a Master Food Volunteer training in January and February.  The deadline to apply is Dec. 1.  Master food volunteers receive training in nutrition, food, wellness and food safety.  They…

The Office of Farm and Ranch Transition at Kansas State university is partnering with the Southwind Extension District to host the 2022 Farm and Ranch Transition Conference on Dec. 15, at the Neosho Valley Event…

Have you heard from your veterinarian about Vitamin A deficiencies, or the likelihood of them this year? Vitamin A deficiency can present with many different clinical signs, but the most common signs are weak or…