We asked readers to channel their inner Carolyn Hax and answer this question. Some of the best responses are below. Hi, Carolyn: I’m a single dad with a young daughter. I’ve decided to give up…
Hi Carolyn: My mother passed away 13 years ago. My siblings and I have been holding a lot of her old stuff in a storage unit since then. I am the only one in town.…
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 74-year-old woman with good cholesterol numbers and normal blood pressure. I’ve exercised regularly since I was 17 (that’s 57 years), and weigh 98 pounds. I have no history of heart…
Carolyn: A very long time ago, my mother married a jerk. My siblings and I were teens then and it was rough. He would yell, stomp around and slam doors if he felt the slightest…
Dear Carolyn: Several years ago, my parents faded and entered assisted living. My siblings and I quickly had to sell and empty their house. What made the most sense was giving their furniture and home…
Dear Carolyn: For Christmas, my friend gave me a best-selling weight-loss book. During the pandemic, my adult child had a mental health breakdown, secondary to drug abuse, and moved in with me. In all the…
Dear Dr. Roach: Why doesn’t rheumatoid arthritis have any medicines to help treat it? — S.S.K. Answer: Rheumatoid arthritis is relatively common (as much as 1% of the population, with women twice as likely to…
Dear Carolyn: I know it’s normal, but any tips for dealing with the total self-involvement of teenagers and their lack of awareness of the needs of the household? They have chores, but they seem oblivious.…
DEAR DR. ROACH: You recently had a column on arthritis that recommended more activity. So, what medications can help? You didn’t say in your article. I take a slow-release Tylenol, but I heard of a…
Hello Carolyn: I went to your column specifically to see whether I am the only one hurt by not receiving thank-yous for gifts sent. I see I am not. I thought maybe it’s just an…