DEAR DR. ROACH: I often hear people say that an inherited/genetic disease skips a generation. This is in reference to any disease, from dementia, to breast cancer, to substance abuse, to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). I…
We had a vibrant and engaged group of individuals at our annual Aging with Attitude Expo in April. After witnessing this group, it is only fitting that the theme for the 60th Older American Month…
Is there something about your health you’d like to change? For most Americans, this question usually triggers a wide range of responses. In my practice, most responses usually center on wanting to lose weight, being…
We asked readers to channel their inner Carolyn Hax and answer this question. Some of the best responses are below. Dear Carolyn: My boyfriend, who is a widower, has just scheduled his fourth weekend trip…
Dear Carolyn: My now-boyfriend and I went to high school together, but we didn’t become a couple until nearly 10 years later. While we were classmates, we ran in completely different circles. He was a…
DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your recent column about the MESA calculator. I found the test myself and input my numbers. But I found that I have a higher 10-year risk when I state that…
Dear Carolyn: My husband and I both work in creative fields and have been through financially lean years for most of our marriage. We are very lucky; our parents, especially my in-laws, have helped us…
Hi Carolyn: Last night I was at a restaurant with my husband when we got into a fight. He had scheduled house maintenance on my one workday, when I also had a cardiac stress test,…
Kansas was ranked last in the nation regarding how well it handles mental health needs. So says the Mental Health of America’s report, “The State of Mental Health in America 2023.” This is but one…
Dry conditions that the central and southern plains have been experiencing may lead to increased foot issues. Several issues could be the culprit of cattle lameness, and we will review some of the common causes…