
Adapted from two online discussions. Dear Carolyn: A year ago today, I learned about my husband’s affair. It’s been a challenging year. With the help of therapy, forgiveness and a ton of communication and changes…

Improper posture plays a larger role than you might think when it comes to muscle fatigue and body aches. Here are things to look for. Fifty percent of people in the industrialized world suffer from…

Adapted from an online discussion. Hi Carolyn: My spouse is going through some difficult times: sudden terminal illness and subsequent death of a parent, other parent facing some long-term but not terminal illness. We both…

Dear Dr. Roach: I’m writing in regarding my 92-year-old father. He has always been active, still plays golf and had played softball up until the age of 88. My father has a history of blood…

The patient was young, healthy, and short of breath. She had not been sick recently, other than a minor cough. Her oxygen level was normal and her lungs sounded clear. Her heart rate was a…

Jason Warner, K-State Research and Extension Cow-Calf Specialist, offers some insight on what we need to watch for in July: ∙ For spring-calving cow herds: — Score cows for BCS concurrent with grass growth. —…

Dear Carolyn: My boyfriend and I graduated from high school as the pandemic hit, and instead of going to university with all the uncertainty about classes, we moved in together and started working full time.…

The month of June has been a blur with hosting youth cooking classes throughout the Southwind Extension District. The district covers Allen, Bourbon, Neosho, and Woodson Counties.  These classes provide an excellent hands-on opportunity for…

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My partner and I are expecting our first child in a few months. We are on the same page about most of the big aspects of child rearing…

Dear Carolyn: My mom refuses to acknowledge the upside of her marriage to my dad. He was not the best husband or father, I’ll be the first to admit that. He was wrapped up in…