
(Adapted from an online discussion.) Dear Carolyn: How do I deal with the feelings of grief over not being a grandparent? I’m surrounded by friends who are, and they love to talk about their grandchildren.…

Grasshoppers seemed to have started feeding in my landscape a few weeks ago. Their main target has been my Mexican sunflower blooms. I’m not sure what makes them so tasty to the grasshoppers.  Believe it…

It’s county fair time and this means that 4-H’ers have the opportunity to showcase all of their hard work learned on projects throughout the 4-H year. For many, this time of year is a highlight…

DEAR DR. ROACH: Why do commercials for diabetes show most people who need medication as overweight? I know slim people who have this problem. —R.J. ANSWER: There are several different types of diabetes mellitus (“diabetes”…

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I have a very good college friend who is taking much longer to graduate than I did, but until recently, I didn’t think too much of it. Over…

Dear Carolyn: For many years, one of my oldest friends has very kindly taken in my cats for a month every summer while I am out of town. Because they live in an apartment on…

Dear Dr. Roach: What signs and/or symptoms do you need for a doctor to determine you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? — R.K. Answer: The diagnosis of COPD is suspected in people who are…

Adapted from two online discussions. Dear Carolyn: A year ago today, I learned about my husband’s affair. It’s been a challenging year. With the help of therapy, forgiveness and a ton of communication and changes…

Improper posture plays a larger role than you might think when it comes to muscle fatigue and body aches. Here are things to look for. Fifty percent of people in the industrialized world suffer from…

Adapted from an online discussion. Hi Carolyn: My spouse is going through some difficult times: sudden terminal illness and subsequent death of a parent, other parent facing some long-term but not terminal illness. We both…