The 101st Ladd family reunion was Sunday, July 3, at Riverside Park in Iola. Forty descendants of Leroy and Philena enjoyed a bountiful covered dish dinner. This was followed by door prizes, overseen by…
The LaHarpe School Alumni event was June 25. Fifty-one attended. The meeting opened with William Watson, treasurer, leading the pledge to the U.S. flag. Gary Hageman (class of 1962) and Sandy Beaman (class of 1966)…
The Allen County Fair is an exciting time for 4-H and FFA members and the surrounding community. It is an opportunity to showcase the handiwork they have made and show the animals they have worked…
Over the past two years the price of farmland in Allen County has decreased by between 10 and 30 percent, according to local bankers, real estate agents and other experts. A recent USDA report states…
The monthly meeting of the Square B 4-H Club was held at 7 p.m. on June 20 at Riverside Park in Iola. President Abigail Meiwes called the meeting to order. Flag salute and 4-H pledge…
The regular monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was called to order by President Mallory Heim on Sunday, June 12, at the Moran United Methodist Church. It was Parents’ and Grandparents’ Night.…
After not meeting as a group since January 2020, senior volunteers who serve at Hope Unlimited and the Allen County Food Pantry met in Iola for a recognition lunch on Thursday at Sam and Louie’s. …
The Allen County Farmers’ Market will be at State Street in Iola from 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesday. Vendors will have jam, jelly, jerky, embroidered crafts, soap, and seasoning mix. The fresh produce selection includes…
Area plant lovers have a great opportunity this fall to participate in an outstanding horticulture program. The Extension Master Gardener training will be held Sept. 1 through Dec. 15 on Thursday afternoons from 1 to…
IOLA MUNICIPAL COURT Judge Patti Boyd Convicted as follows with fines assessed: Jason R. Anderson, Iola, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, $555, probation Jana E. Coats, Iola, disorderly conduct, $195, probation Ryan E.…