Kiwanian Roger Carswell shared experiences of a recent trip to Germany and Poland at Tuesday’s meeting. Carswell, former director of Iola Public Library, has made travel a highlight of his retirement. He visited eastern Germany…
The Allen County Multi-Agency Team (ACMAT) spearheaded a recent mitten and hat drive, and donated the proceeds Dec. 6 to Humanity Health to provide warmth to those in need for the winter.
Allen County Area Retired School Personnel met on Wednesday, Dec. 7, in the Mary Ellen Stadler room at ACC. There were 15 members in attendance. The program was presented by Iola middle and high school…
The Red Devil Food Pantry provides access to supplemental food and other necessities for students in need. The pantry offers a variety of nutritious food products and hygiene items and is available to any student…
Members from Allen County joined more than 600 Farm Bureau members of Kansas during Kansas Farm Bureau’s 2022 Annual Meeting in Manhattan Dec. 3-5. They elected Wilson County farmer Joe Newland as KFB president and wrapped…
The high-schoolers and Iola Middle School choir performed under the guidance of instructor Elizabeth Cunningham, and were accompanied by Kathleen McCollam.
The regular monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was called to order by President Sophia Heim at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13. There were 16 members, four cloverbuds, two leaders and two guests…
Tuesday offers one of each. At 1 p.m. Clara Wicoff, Southwind Extension, hosts a program on Everyday Mindfulness. The term “mindfulness” is everywhere these days. She will explain what it is and how you can…
Steve Strickler of Iola, a student at Kansas State University in Manhattan, is head of the planning committee for this year’s Little American Royal contest in which K-State students are judged on their ability to…
Iola schools will bring the sounds of the season over the next couple of weeks. Tonight at 7, kindergarten and first grade students at Iola Elementary School will perform a concert at the Bowlus Fine…