LAHARPE — Bingo is canceled at the VFW Post in LaHarpe this Friday as well as next Friday, Dec. 30, according to Maggie Barnett.
President’s Honor Roll (4.0 GPA) From Iola — Cynthia F. Ballin, Caiden E. Cloud, Braxton A. Curry, Brooklyn M. Ellis, Jasmine M. Ledford, Maci J. Miller, Leah J. Mueller, McKenna D. Orear, Adrianne N. Reynolds,…
All A’s: Third grade Bodee M. Allen, Jayden H. Brady, Rollyn M. Burgett, Lance “Tripp” Carlson, Gracie L. Chapman, Jaci K. Daniels, Novella F. Johnson, Annabelle A. Koch, Maxton T. Mueller, Kodi N. Page, Jax…
Iola Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts from Troop 55 serenade passersby from the Allen County Courthouse bandstand with Christmas carols Tuesday evening, braving a cold north wind in the process. Pack 55 will host a…
The Sunflower Quilters’ Guild will not have a meeting in December. The opportunity quilt went to B.J. Webber of Bella Vista, Ark.
The Unity Club learned about trees during a presentation by Karen Lee at the meeting on Dec. 12 at the home of Ellen Thompson. Nine members were present for a short business meeting before Lee…
Library programs continue in a festive vein next week, beginning with a free holiday movie suitable for all ages at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the meeting room next to the parking lot. Refreshments will be…
Iola Elementary School second-graders in Jackie McIntyre’s class were given a special gift Tuesday in the form of “Mustang Pride” shirts purchased by McIntyre’s parents, Iolans Jack and Beverly Franklin.
Iola Boy Scout Pack 55 will host a roundup for interested Cub Scouts at 6 p.m. Jan. 10 at Calvary Life Center, 108 W. Jackson Ave. Parents and youngsters from kindergarten through sixth grade are…
Illnesses close Oswego schools OSWEGO — USD 504 schools closed last Thursday and Friday due to an overwhelming number of student and staff illnesses, according to the Parsons Sun. Almost 200 students and 25 faculty…