Children’s author Frank L. Cole will autograph books and give away signed posters for his Champion’s Quest and Potion Masters series from 5 to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Iola Public Library. The meet and…
Many of the activities need to take place outside for the Title Family Night/SAFE BASE event at Iola Elementary School. It will take place from 5:30 to 7 p.m. with a racing theme. About six…
One of Iola’s oldest businesses changed hands last Friday. Steve Kinzle and his wife Frances have bought Robinson’s Parts and Service, 202 N. Washington, from John Robinson. The business was started as A. H. Davis…
The Sunflower Quilters’ Guild will meet Monday morning at Humboldt’s United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall at 806 N. Ninth St. The board meeting begins at 9:30 a.m.; the guild meeting follows at 10.
The Square B 4-H Club met Monday at the Southwind Extension Office in Iola. Vice President Katelyn Hicks called the meeting to order. Flag salute and 4-H pledge were led by Henry Kramer and Jett…
The regular monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was Sunday, March 5. President Sophia Heim presided. The Cloverbuds led the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. Roll call was “Who is your…
Throngs of Iola Elementary School students and their parents took part Saturday in the Parent-Teacher Organization-sponsored school carnival, featuring an assortment of games, food trucks and other activities.
SAFE BASE, USD 257’s after-school program, will have its annual Blue Plate Dinner from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday at Iola Elementary School. This year’s theme is “racing.” Race cars from the Humboldt Speedway will…
Second and third grade students at Iola Elementary School had the chance to participate in the Caldecott Challenge of reading 20 or more award-winning picture books. Seventy-six students were rewarded with an ice cream party…
Iola High School band and orchestra students competed at the KSHSAA Regional Solo and Small Ensemble Contest on Saturday, April 1. Students who earned a 1 Rating will compete at the State Solo and Small…