Around Town

Iola High School sophomores, clockwise from left, Harper Desmarteau, Elza Clift and Alana Mader enjoy a break in the school day to decorate the sidewalk with chalk.

USD 257 Board of Education members helped with morning dropoff at Iola Elementary School to show their appreciation for staff in advance of Teacher Appreciation Week, celebrated the first week of May. From left are…

Banks, retailers and city hall will hand out hundreds of pastel-colored mini-scrolls printed with poems Friday, courtesy of the Iola Public Library. It’s Poem for Your Pocket Day, a national event in celebration of National…

Students of Betty Cunningham and Kathleen McCollam attended the Mid-America Music Festival at Pittsburg State University on April 22. Cunningham’s students who received I ratings were Maddie McDermeit on violin and Piper Weilert on violin…

Too many daylilies? Tired of that house plant? Swap ’em.  Iola Public Library holds its annual plant swap  from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 6, at the gazebo on the library’s east lawn. The…

Donna Houser, with Iola Community Involvement Task Force, spoke to Iola Kiwanians last week about the CITF fund drive for a splash park along Cottonwood Street, between Buchanan Street and Iola First Baptist Church. Houser…

OSWEGO — Labette County is the proud owner of a $1.2 million rock crusher. The Parsons Sun reported Labette County commissioners agreed to purchase the 2022 German-made crusher, replacing one purchased in 1995 for $1.087…

Iola middle and high school band students performed during fundraisers on Monday, with some students raising money at a Practice-A-Thon at the bandstand and others playing throughout the community.

The Iola Sisters Relay For Life Team will host a fundraiser from 5 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, April 29, at the Iola Elks Lodge, 202 S. Jefferson Ave. Roasted balsamic pork loin, green beans,…

The Iola High School band, fresh from earning a top I-rating at a state contest, will have its annual fundraisers on Monday.  The band has two fundraisers planned: a practice-a-thon and pay-to-play/pay-to-go-away fundraisers The practice-a-thon…